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Chris Hamilton

Chris Hamilton




Wheeling, West Virginia


  • Bachelor's - West Virginia
  • Master's - West Virginia

Chris Hamilton began his mining career as an underground miner with the Valley Camp Coal Company in northern West Virginia. He eventually earned his mine foreman papers and worked as a section foreman/fire-boss and become a certified MSHA training instructor. Hamilton started his own mine training and safety company and in 1981 accepted a position with the West Virginia Department of Mines as deputy director.? In 1981, he began his career with the West Virginia Coal Association as its director of health and safety, and in 1986, he was promoted to be the organization's vice president of mine safety and environmental affairs.? Following the merger of WVCA and the West Virginia Mining and Reclamation Association in 2001, he became the senior vice president, responsible for state and federal legislative and regulatory affairs.?Hamilton was promoted to president of WVCA in 2021.     Hamilton serves as the co-chair of the West Virginia Coal Forum and as chairman of the West Virginia Business and Industry Council, the West Virginia Board of Coal Mine Health and Safety and the West Virginia Mine Safety and Technical Review Commission. Hamilton earned his undergraduate degree and MBA from West Virginia University. Over the past 40 years, Hamilton has been involved with every regulatory change and legislative program impacting the industry from operations to safety, environmental, tax and a host of legislative programs designed to improve the competitiveness and long-term viability of the industry.